Forget Oil Podcast
In this podcast I talk to some of the greatest minds in green tech who work to support the goal of reaching carbon neutrality and build successful businesses in the process.
18 episodes
EV Charging Network Evolution: Challenges and Future-Proof Solutions - Insights from the 4th EV Annual EV Charging Network Event
Description:Join us for a deep dive into the world of electric vehicle (EV) charging networks as we explore the current state of reliability and unveil innovative solutions for the future. In this enlightening episode, we dissect ...
Season 2
Episode 7
Electric Aircraft and Charging Symposium: If, How, and When is Electric Aviation Possible?
Description:In this special episode recorded at the Electric Aircraft & Charging Symposium 2023 where we explore the future of flight in an oil-free world, we bring together industry experts, pioneers, and thought leaders to d...
Season 2
Episode 6
Do you have any general tips for people who want to start their own business? - Startup founders shares tips to help you succeed
Welcome to the Forget Oil Podcast, where we bring you the collective wisdom and invaluable insights of seasoned startup founders who have turned their dreams into successful businesses. In this episode, our guests answer the burning question, "...
Season 2
Episode 5
How do you manage stress and take care of yourself? - Startup founders share their side of the story
Welcome to the Forget Oil Podcast, where we delve into the journeys of resilient startup founders and explore how they managed stress and prioritized self-care in the face of adversity. In this episode, we uncover the strategies, insights, and ...
Season 2
Episode 4
What is your best leadership tip? - Startup founders share their tips
Welcome to the Forget Oil Podcast, where we delve into the minds of exceptional startup founders and uncover their most valuable leadership tips. In this episode, we explore the experiences, challenges, and triumphs of these visionary leaders a...
Season 2
Episode 3
How did you find your co-founder? - Startup founders share their stories
Join us on the Forget Oil Podcast as we dive deep into the stories of successful startup founders and unravel the secrets behind their remarkable partnerships. In this episode, we explore the fascinating journeys of these visionary entrepreneur...
Season 2
Episode 2
How to engage your team | Aino-Silvia Tali
Listen to Aino-Silvia Tali, People Growth Lead at Helmes Group on the Forget Oil Podcast in conversation with Martin Raadik . she has shared some wonderful insights on "How to engage your team?".Read more about Aino-Silvia Tali...
Season 2
Episode 1
#11 Industry experts answer: Which companies will be long term winners in charging business?
Recorded at Intercharge Network Conference 2022 (Hubject event)Experts speaking at this podcast (in the order of appearance):Arnoldas Dapkus - Head of Partnerships at Inbalance: Build scalable businessesJacco van der Burg...
Episode 11
#10 Eric Edmeades - 4 tips on how to build businesses in 2022
Eric Edmeades is a serial entrepreneur with experience including wireless networking, military research, Hollywood film production, and award-winning and life-saving medical simulation.Today, Eric is a leading authority in Behavioral Cha...
Season 1
Episode 10
#9 Taavi Rõivas - How to implement innovation in society? POV of top politician and high-tech entrepreneur
Most people know todays guest Taavi Rõivas as a former prime minister of Estonia, but not only that, he was Europes youngest prime minister at the time. He has spoken a lot about the topics of the digital economy, AI, security policy, and e-gov...
Episode 9
#8 Jaan Juurikas - How to deliver enjoyable EV content consistently?
Jaan shares his story of how he went from building the Elektritakso business [Translated: Electric Taxi] to starting his own media empire. Now his newsletter is one of the most entertaining yet useful newsletters in the industry. He shares some...
Episode 8
#7 Sandor Liive - How society will cope with increasing electricity price and demand?
⚡ How is the oil shale business going? Sandor is out of that business now but since he was the CEO of Eesti Energia he shares some insights into that industry and what to do with this massive natural resource if we cant produce cheap elec...
Episode 7
#6 Climate analyst Alexander Lewis-Jones on how CO2 is calculated and where this data is useful
I never thought of discussing CO2 emissions is something so fascinating. Alexander Lewis-Jones did a great job at keeping the topic entertaining.We discus...
Episode 6
#5 Solaride - Milleks higistada? Päikseauto ehitamisest ja Austraalia võistlusest. Mart Erik Kermes ja Kaspar Kitsing
Solaride kasvas välja 2020. aasta alguses kui tudengid otsisid ülikoolis õpitud teadmistele praktilist väljundit ning jõudsid pöörase väljakutseni –- ehitada tänavakõlbulik päikeseauto. See on tehniliselt keerukas väljakutse, mis annab võimalus...
Episode 5
#3 Mario Kadastik -Tesla Rendi lugu ja mõtteid Teslade innovatsioonist
Mario Kadastik on Eesti esimese Tesla omanik ja Tesla Rendi kaasasutaja. Sellest veel muljetavaldavam on, et tema saavutused ja kogemused panevad ta samasse liigasse, kui Tony Stark. Ta on tunnustatud teadlane CERN'is, president Eesti Noorte Te...
Episode 3
#2 Martin Rinne - analüütiline pilk elektriautode müüginumbritele
Martin Rinne Directo asutaja ja finantsjuht ning tänaseks pole tal kodus ühtegi masinat, kuhu saaks kütust sisse valada. Rääkisime, kuidas: ⭐ kasumi ja efektiivsuse tagaajamine ettevõtluses aitab kliimaeesmärkidele kaasa
Season 1
Episode 2
#1 Karl Hõbemägi - kuidas kõrvutub elektriautode tehnoloogia tavaautodega ja kuidas autode testimise hobist Youtube'i äri loodi
Mida arvab elektriautodest mees, kes on testinud üle 200 sõiduki ja kelle kõrvaläri on Youtube'is autode arvustamine?Mis on nende kahe tehnoloogia fundamentaalsed erinevused?Kuidas käituvad elektriautod teedel erinevalt?Mida pea...
Episode 1
#4 Kārlis Mendziņš - Charging from lampposts > Latvian emobility scene with Kārlis Mendziņš, CEO of Eleport in Latvia
Electric vehicles are reaching price parity, Almost all parking lots must install a charger if few years and automotive manufacturers have strict quotas to reach in selling EVs all to support the very reasonable goal of reaching carbon neutrali...
Episode 4